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Orellana - Ecuador 2017 (2020)

Thesis at elak, Institue for electroacoustic composition - University for music and performative arts Vienna

supervised by Dr. Thomas Grill,MA

Orellana - Ecuador is a fictional travel diary/log and field recording archive. Carefully constructed text, audio and graphics construct a seemingly real world which we get to know through the collection of notes by an author whom identity stays in the dark. Even though we don't find out a lot about its identity we get to know personal thoughts of the author by describing its surrounding, inner life and even its dreams. A world which on first sight seems like ours unfolds into a slightly distorted version of the world we think to know. If it's the world itself or just the perception of the author that distorts it is left open.


This kind of text serves as a platform on which topics like human perception, audio recording techniques, flora and fauna of the tropical forest,mythology etc. can get examined without any claim of being coherent or even real respectively not disturbed by personal ideologies.


The thesis and some files of the archive can be found here:

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